
Collaboration with lists of materials has never been as easy and convenient as with YesList.

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All faced it

Looking for screenshots and links in chats with friends?
You no longer need to send all the necessary information to chats with friends or colleagues, it is enough to save it in YesList.
Forgot the movie you wanted to recommend to your friends?
Create a list once and share the link to it with your friends, and also invite them to collaborate on the list.
Bookmarking and forgetting later?
Search by YesList and the system of nested lists will allow you to store your materials conveniently and easily navigate in them.
Looking for screenshots and links in chats with friends?
You no longer need to send all the necessary information to chats with friends or colleagues, it is enough to save it in YesList.
Forgot the movie you wanted to recommend to your friends?
Create a list once and share the link to it with your friends, and also invite them to collaborate on the list.
Bookmarking and forgetting later?
Search by YesList and the system of nested lists will allow you to store your materials conveniently and easily navigate in them.

Work with lists together with other users

Save what you want to your lists
Add a new list card by simply pasting the link, the photo and text will automatically upload our service!
Share lists with friends and family
Share the list and edit it together. Specify access rights to the list for convenient work.
Explore other users lists
Explore public lists that other users have opened for everyone and publish yours!


Goods. Goods. Articles. Films. Restaurants. Public Lists.

Goods YesList.

Articles. Goods. Articles. Films. Restaurants. Public Lists.

Articles YesList.

Films. Goods. Articles. Films. Restaurants. Public Lists.

Films YesList

Restaurants YesList Goods. Articles. Films. Restaurants. Public Lists.

Restaurants YesList

Public Lists YesList Goods. Articles. Films. Restaurants. Public Lists.

Public Lists YesList

Add pages in 2 clicks

Study public lists and materials

A tool that useful to everyone

HR managers
Try YesList Now!
The service is completely free and we will be glad to all new users. Registration will take you no more than two minutes, and the benefits of using YesList will be enormous!
Sign up for free

Perhaps it will be good for you

How to register?
To create an account, go to the “Register” button and use our single authorization service “BravoReg” to create an account.

Пароль для вашего аккаунта будет выслан на почту указанную при регистрации.
The password for your account will be sent to the email specified during registration.
To add your first list and page - click on the “+” icon and you can add a list or page. Within the list, you can add additional sub-lists and pages.

To add a page - just paste the link!
How do I share a list?
Go to the list you want to share and click on the “Share” button. Then enter the email of the user you want to share with.

You can give different users different rights to interact with the list, from simple viewing to full editing.
How do I make a list public?
Go to the lists section, and click on the three dots in a row icon next to the list that you want to make public, you will see all the actions that you can perform with the list.

In this list, find the item “Share”, open it and put a checkmark next to “Public”.
How do I edit a page?
Go to the desired list, and click on the icon with three dots in a row on the page that you want to edit, after that the information editing window will open.

Don't forget to save your changes!
How to copy someone else's page?
In order to copy a page to yourself from the list of another user - just click on the bookmark icon and select the location where you want to copy this page.

You can also edit the page before adding it to yourself.
Account settings:
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Add List
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